How do SeedPods restore ecosystems?
Independent of their method of distribution, each SeedPod contains elements to reset ecosystems. The types of SeedPods are myriad. This is necessary to meet the diversity of both bioregional -and soil types, which vary wildly around the globe. Additionally, weather conditions and other external influences like toxic industrial waste, or high salinization due to flooding, can drastically alter the state of the terrain and the viability of ecosystems. In simple terms this means that some SeedPods are designed to re-green deserted areas, others help fortify soil, some are focused on high density nutritional plant types, others as said desalinate area’s or indeed re-mineralize others. Specialized SeedPods that carry complete packages of over 500 types of Medicinal plants exist, as well as pods that focus on creating ecosystems that help local animal, amphibian and/or aquatic life revive.
In essence, the SeedPods are sometimes complete terra-shaping devices equipped with powerful composition of mineral, seed, spore, and elemental aspects, in other circumstances they are deployed as cunning acupuncture needles that drop in and stimulate a terrain in a subtle way, setting of the naturallynaturall occurring ecological development on its own.
As per example: all it took to detoxifyde-toxify the great northern lakes was the addition of nano-oxygen generating algae, deploying with a delayed release encryption that over time set off a natural balancing eco-systematic chain. On other occasions, ongoing deployment of earth-type stabilizing root pods were needed, next to several combinations of nutrient, fibrous-plant pods and even Rock Rehabilitation SeedPack RR44_20, which come in with nano-drill capable of deconstructing rock surfaces as too prepare it for more habitable soil types/habitation.
What are examples of successful SeedPod implementation?
PERP and its member communities are continuously in search of how to implement the SEEDPODS so as to let the eco-systematic development runs its own course. It all depends on the terrain and area in question, -and the needs of the local human or non-human communities, and the factor of time. As we know, the Balahiuah area in the south-west peninsulas deal with acute and heavy rainstorms, which require not only direct aid relief and high-nutrient plant SEEDSPODS, but also dehydrationde-hydration earth-type development pods, next to water purifying aid – and , of course, the altogether re-development of the entire bioregional landscape which has caused the rapid water cycle in the first place. Indeed, the mission of PERP is not an easy one. But at its core, the mission of all PERP-member communities as well as the SEEDPODS is to help remedy the earth and bring it back to an ecological multi-species homeostasis or Primary Relations Flourishing (or makh-du, as The Council calls it), as remembered in stories of old.