Duran Lantink
If fashion would have a future, what would it look like?
Duran Lantink destroys and repurposes the status items of late capitalism, turns them into sculptural assemblages of layered semiotics, and feeds them back to the high fashion market. He hybridises and liquidifies the aesthetic boundaries of fashion houses, resisting the idea of purification and abstraction common to most brands.

What is it to Neo-Metabolism?
It’s astonishing to see how Duran pulls off this subversive act with integrity, while also nourishing a deep-seated love for the beauty in fashion. Like him, we feel that for the ages to come, fashion, as a visual expression of new modes of being in the world, is not something to leave behind, but to evolve. Duran Lantink’s garments are made to live long, to be transmuted over time, and to adapt with its owners and their adjacent wardrobes. They are conceived to be passed on over generations, as indestructible heirlooms with their own biography.
What’s your relationship?
What are the initial thoughts?
Who else is involved?
Thijs van Hoof developed the site and backend. We’re thankful to our friends at Formats and Mechanisms (FAM), for getting us all connected. They made the springsummerautumnwinter’21 collection video:
When was this released?
2021 05 13