Material Guide

What’s at stake?
Some of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss, are changes in land and sea use (including careless agriculture), the direct exploitation of organisms (including the bio-industry), and pollution (including the pollution caused by food packaging and transport). The way our food is being produced, has a direct impact on biodiversity, so how production happens matters. It matters a lot.
What is Material Guide?
Material Guide works towards a world in which the most planet-healthy products are the most successful, instead of the ones with the loudest voice and the biggest marketing budget. They do this by empowering local, responsible producers with data-driven tools, and by providing customers of their products with crystal clear messaging. This enables a better connection with our food, and therefore, with our planet.
What does Neo-Metabolism have to do with it?
Neo-Metabolism was involved with the conceptual development of identity and digital product, including naming, profiling, and site design. We worked on this for the duration of 8 months, in Material Guide’s first year of seed funding, accompanying the team all the way to the first viable prototype and several pilot cases.
When was this released?
2021 02 02
2021 02 02