
What does Tobi.Energy have to say?
“Being progressive in 2021 means something different than before. We don't need more stuff. We need real, lasting change. We need transparency about supply chains, and we need our products to last. To remain culturally relevant, we have to define what comes after the hype.”How does Neo-Metabolism relate?
Neo-Metabolism developed the profile, strategic positioning, and visual identity for Tobi Oebel, to support him on his path to a self-guided creative practice, in alignment with his personal values, attitude, and style.
In conversation, we developed Tobi.Energy as both his platform, and his persona. A place from which he initiates conversations with those close to the fire, and a place from which he can act, collaborate, and support.

Anything else?
In July 2021 Tobi’s hometown in Germany was hit by a flood. He initiated a fundraiser for relief (, and recorded a walk through the town.
When was this released?
Tobi.Energy launched on 2021 04 01, the walk was released on 2021 08 14.
Tobi.Energy launched on 2021 04 01, the walk was released on 2021 08 14.